Papel Picado

Papel Picado

Monday, January 6, 2014

This isn't how we planned it, but...: an Update

Olive Elizabeth Monk was born at 1:23 am today (January 5, 2014). She is 2lb 2oz about 12.5 inches long. 
At about 9:30 pm Sunday, January 4, I began bleeding. They put Olive on the monitor and saw that her heart rate was dropping significantly more than normal. Lots of blood work, etc all came back with no sign of why I was bleeding. However based on the monitor the decision was made to deliver via C section. I had no signs of labor (no contractions, cervix closed!) so an induction would take too long and possibly put her in further danger. 
I remember being very overwhelmed. In a matter of hours I went from having a baby that was doing great in the womb, to preparing to deliver. I received a last minute steroid shot, magnesium for her brain function, fluids, lots of blood work and I was off to delivery. There I met the anesthesiologist who was very calm and explained everything. I received the spinal shots (I can't remember what they were called!) and began to go numb. Within a matter of minutes there were 2 doctors, 3 nurses and someone from NICU along with the anesthesiologist. 
Saturday night was going to be Matt's last night to stay before we tested him staying home since he had to work in the morning, so praise The Lord she came when she did and not a day later! Matt scrubbed in and sat with me the entire time. He recorded what he could of the birth, and when they say she's coming... You hear a little tiny little shout! I am overwhelmed each time we watch the video! 
I got a quick glimpse of her and she was rushed off to the NICU. Her daddy got to go with her and said she was making all sorts of noise before they got her breathing tube in! 
She came crying which is great, she was just having trouble breathing on her own. By mid morning we had already been updated that she had her oxygen level lowered, and she had her eyes open and was looking around :) Her tiny little squinty eyes! 
During the surgery, they found I had a placenta abruption and her life source was quickly being cut off. Any longer in utero would have cut off her life source completely. I am so thankful the doctors and nurses acted quickly! 
While I would have loved to have a natural birth 8 weeks in the future I guess part of being a parent is putting aside your expectations and doing what is best for your child. I was definitely terrified of the whole thing- but I remembered something- all pain, suffering and fear was taken away at the cross. I asked Jesus to stand in for me as I was scared, and He reminded me He already had stood I for me 2000+ years ago. I was filled with complete peace. I prayed through the entire procedure. 
Other than a little bit of nausea and strange feelings from the pressure of delivery and being stitched up, it wasn't so bad! Matt was a champ and stayed awake with me all the way through recovery even though he looked sooo tired! 
I am recovering well and the pain has been managed very well by the staff! I got to hold Olive's hand for the first time last night!
She had a good little grip and held tighter if I moved my finger. I can tell her plans are to thrive, and with all I the prayers and encouragement, I know she will. I tell her about everyone praying for her. Her daddy and I bless each one of you! She might not be yours to take home, but know that she will forever carry a part of each of you in her heart! 
I plan to continue to update you all as much as possible! Thank you all again for everything! 
Olive under the lights because of bruising and to help prevent jaundice

Olive's sexy little leg, just like her daddy! I think she may have his big ol' feet(and possibly his full lips!) :)

Her first picture, taken by her daddy! 


  1. We will always consider it a treasure to know Olive and her family. Mommy and Daddy Monk, you are such great parents. Reaching out and sharing your lives is just what Jesus did. Thank you for adding this beautiful daughter to the world. She has already turned so many hearts back to the Lord their God. Our prayers are for Olive and for you and Matt.

  2. YAY! Go little Olive! We are so happy that she made it several whole weeks beyond the 20 week mark. We're praying for lots of rest and recovery for you all!

  3. I am praying for little sweet olive! Can't wait to someday meet her. She's got her momma in her, with her courage and fight. I'm proud of y'all and I know God is beaming over his fearfully and wonderfully made baby daughter.
